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Indian Economy Courseware
III. External Sector
III. External Sector
Course Curriculum
F1 Blalance of Payments
1. Features of India’s Balance of Payments- 2017-18
2. Recent trends in India’s BoP (2017-18)
3. Connection between balance of payments and the value of Rupee
4. Foreign exchange market in India
5. Exchange rate systems and exchange rate movements
6. Why excessive depreciation is counterproductive
7. Depreciation and Appreciation; Devaluation and Revaluation
8. RBI and the exchange rate policy
9. Understanding exchange rate movements and their implications
10. Foreign Exchange Reserves of India
11. Adequacy of foreign exchange reserves
12. Liberalized Remittance Scheme
13. Factors which influences the value of Rupee
14. What is Currency War
15. NEER and REER
16. NEER and REER estimation in India
F2. Capital Account Convertibility
1. What is Currency Convertibility
2. Meaning of Capital Account Convertibility
3. Rational for capital account convertibility in India
4. Objectives of CAC
5. Capital account convertibility as a gateway to financial globalisation
6. Status of Convertibility in India
7. Costs and Benefits of CAC
8. Measures that shall be taken before introducing capital account convertibility
9. Capital Account Liberalisation in India
10. Steps taken by the government and the RBI to liberalise the capital account
11. Sudden Stop
12. Participatory Notes
13. Concepts FPI, FII and QFI
14. Foreign Portfolio Investors and Foreign Institutional Investors
15. New FPI regulations
15.1 FPI Classification in terms of risk profile
16. Major forms of capital flows
16.1 FDI and FPI
16.2 ECBs, FCCBs, RDBs and DRs
16.3. Depository Receipts
17. FDI vs FPI why FDI is more preferable
18. Capital flows – why the composition matters
18.1 Debt flow and non
19. External Commercial Borrowings – features and advantages
19.1 ECB Policy and the regulation of ECBs
20. Rupee Denominated Bonds or Masala Bonds
20.1 RBI’s Policy on Rupee Denominated Bonds
21. The costs and benefits of foreign capital for India
22. Capital flows and the management problem for the RBI
23. India’s approach towards foreign capital
24. Capital controls
24.1 Tobin Tax
25. RBI measures to counter the capital mobility related risks
F3. FDI Policy
1. What is Foreign Direct Investment
2. Evolution of FDI Policy
2. 1. FDI and the investment group
2. 2. Instruments that qualify as FDI
2. 3. Components of FDI
3. Regulatory framework for FDI
3. 1. Entry routes for investments in India
3. 2. Minimum lock in Period
3. 3. FDI limits and sector specific regulations
3. 4. Composite Foreign Investment Cap
4. Consolidated FDI Policy
4. 1. Calculation of foreign investment
5. FDI Regime – Regulatory structure
5. 1. Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
5. 2. RBI and FEMA
5. 3. FDI Prohibited Sectors
6. Recent FDI Policy reforms
6. 1. Liberalizing FDI ceilings in key sector1
6. 2. The FDI Defence Sector increased up to 100
6. 3. FDI in ecommerce
6. 4. FDI in Pharmaceutical Sector
6. 5. FDI in Food Product Industry Trading
6. 6. Aviaion Sector
6. 7. FDI Policy on Trading in India
6. 8. Making FDI mostly through automatic route and abolition of FIPB
6.9 FDI Policy Changes – January 2018
F4. External Debt
1. India’s External Debt
2. Trends in key debt indicators
3. Main features of India’s External Debt
3.1 Composition of External Debt – high share of ECBs and NRI Deposits
3.2 Rising Short debt and declining concessional debt
3.3 Currency composition of external debt
4. Debt Service Payments
5. Cross country comparison
6. Debt Management – Government and RBI approach
7. Essential components of prudential debt management strategy
8. Sustainability of India’s external debt
F5. Trade Policy 2017
1. Trade Policy – Evolution
2. Trade liberalization of 1980
3. Import Liberalization during the 1990s
4. Design of EXIM Policies
5. A review of trade policy initiatives since 1991
5.1 Import liberalisation measures
5.2 Export Promotion Measures
5.2.1. Setting up of Export Infrastructure
5.2.2. Export promotion through Incentives
5.2.3. Diversification of export basket through focusing on different sectors
5.2.4. Service Export Promotion
5.2.5. Focus on different regions
5.2.6. Unshackling of red
6. New Trade Policy 2015
6.1 NTP 2015 – Merchandise Export from India Scheme
6.2 Servic6.2 NTP 2015 – Service Exports from India Schemee Exports from India Scheme
6.3 NTP 2015 – Incentives for SEZs
6.4 NTP 2015 – Encouragement to Status Holders
7. Focus Product and Focus Market Schemes
7.1 Focus Product Scheme
7.2 Focus Market Scheme
8. Advance Authorisation Scheme and SHIS
9. Duty Credit Scrip
10. Duty Draw Back Scheme
11. Trends in India’s Foreign Trade
12. Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
13. The SEZ Act 2005
14. India’s integration with the global economy
15. US’s complaint against India’s export subsidies at WTO
16. Foreign Trade Policy Review for Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20
17. India-US trade issues in the Trump era
18. India-US Solar dispute
F6. India's Foreign Trade 2017-18
1. India’s External Trade 2017-18
2. The changing direction and composition of India
3. Composition of trade
3.1 Composition of Exports
3.2 Manufacturing exports from India
3.3 Composition of imports
3.4 3.4 E. Crude price impact
4. Direction of India’s foreign trade
4.1. Direction of exports and imports
4.2 South – South Trade
4.3. India – China Trade
5. Importance of invisibele or service exports for India
6. Improvement in external sector after economic reforms
7. India- trade deficit and surplus with trade partners
8. Impact of economic reforms on the external sector
G1. Bretton Woods System
1. What is International Monetary System
2. International Monetary System till the Second World War
3. The Bretton Woods Conference
4. The Bretton Woods System
5. Features of the Bretton Woods System
6. What the US should do for the working of the BWS
7. Policy to be taken by non
8. What the US should do for the running of the BWS
9. Collapse of the Bretton Woods System
G2. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
1. The International Monetary Fund
2. Establishment of the IMF
3. Objectives of the IMF
4. Quota and membership in the IMF
5. Multiple purposes of the Quotas
6. IMF’s Functions
6.1 Surveillance
6.2 Providing financial assistance to member countries
6.2. 1.The IMF Style – Mixing lendging with adjustment
6.2.2 What was exceptional about the IMF’s lending to save the Euro zone?
6.2. 3. Concessional and non-concessional lending
6.2.4. The Low Income and Developing Countries classification
6.2.5. Non-concessional assistance
6.2.6. Concessional loans
6.3. SDR -Generation of Supplementary resources
6.31 SDR value and the SDR basket of currencies
6.4 Technical Assistance and Generation of Economic and Financial Data
7. IMF after the fall of the Bretton Woods system
7.1. Why the IMF role declined post BWS
8. Financial Resources for the IMF
8.1 New Arrangements to Borrow and BBA
8.2 Gold holdings of the IMF
9. India and the IMF
9.1 How the IMF helped India to tide over the balance of payment crisis of 1991
9.2 India and IMF Governance Reforms
10. Governance of the IMF
11. Governance reforms at the IMF
11.1 The Fourteenth Quota Review of the IMF
12. The IMF during and after the global financial crisis
12.1 Post crisis world economy and the IMF
12.2 IMF’s anchor rome in a turbulant and interconnected world economy
H1. World Trade Organisation -1
1. Why trade is important
1.1. Establishment of GATT
1.2. Uruguay Round
1.3. GATT to WTO
2. Organization structure of the WTO
3. Principles of the WTO
3.1. MFN
3.2. National Treatment
4. Classification of countries under WTO
4.1. Transitional period for developing countries and Least Developed Countries
5. Agreements under WTO
6. Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs)
7. TRIPs and Indian Response
8. TRIPs and India’s patent regime
9. Chief difference between TRIPs and the 1970 Patent Act
10. Patent amendments in India to make it TRIPs combatable
10.1. The 2002 Patent Amendment Act
10.2. Patent Amendment Act 2005
H2.World Trade Organisation -2
1. Trade Related Investment Measures
2. General Agreement on Trade in Services
2.1 Services trade liberalisation and Domestic Regulation in the WTO
2.2. India’s service trade proposal – the Trade Facilitation Agreement for Services
3. Developing countries and GATS
4. India’s interest in opening up of service trade
5. WTO and tariff reduction
7. New protectionist measures at the disposal of the WTO members
8. Non-implementation
9. New Issues
10. India’s trade strategy at WTO
11. Advantages of WTO as a trade facilitating institution
12. Drawbacks of WTO
13. Emerging Divergence among the WTO members
14. Doha Development Agenda
15. Set back to the Doha Round
16. Trade Facilitation Agreement
17. Future of the Multilateral Trading System
18. Dispute Settlement Body
19. Buenos Aires Ministerial Conference
20. WTO- Existential Crisis in the Trump era
21. Major outcomes of the Buenos Aires MC from the Indian angle
21.1. Fisheries subsidies and India
21.2. Ecommerce and the Indian position
21.3. Investment Facilitation and India
21.4. MSMEs at Buenos Aires and the Indian stand
21.5. Gender equality at Buenos Aires Ministerial Conference of the WTO
21.6 What are the Twentyfirst centry issues under the WTO
21.7. Special and Differential Treatment – US stand against India and China
22. WTO informal Ministerial Meeting at New Delhi
23. Nairobi Package
H3. WTO - Agreement on Agriculture
1. Agreement on Agriculture
2. Three clauses of AoA
3. Agriculture trade and non
4. Market access
5. Domestic support
5.1. Trade distorting domestic supports
5.2 Green Box
5.3 Different types of Green Box support measures
5.4 Food security under the Green Box
5.5 Types of green box subsidies given by the developed countries
5.6 Green Box under Doha Round
5.7 Developing countries and domestic support
6. Blue Box
7. AMS
7.1 Total AMS
8. Special and Differential Treatment Box
9. De Minimis Box
10. Profile of India’s domestic support
11. Export Subsidy
12. FSP and WTO incompatibility
13. AoA and Indian Agriculture
13.1. Buenos Aires outcome on India’s demand for food security
14. India’s Agricultural Trade Strategy
15. What is Special Safeguard Mechanism under WTO
16. Key Indian demands on farm sector trade liberalization
17. Dispute Settlement on AoA matters
I1. Regional Trade Blocs
1. RTBs – Nature and Significance
2. WTO’s treatment of RTBs
2.1 Nairobi MC on RTBs
3. Different degrees of economic integration
4. Benefits of Economic Integration
5. Regionalism versus Multilateralism
6 . Mega Trade Blocs and the Marginalization of WTO
7. India and FTAs
7.1 Advantages that India can derive through the formation of Free Trade Agreements
7.2 Caution to be taken while pursuing for FTAs
7.3 India and FTAs – a cost -benefit analysis
8. RCEP – Objectives and Significance
8.1. RCEP and the ASEAN centrality
8.2 Progress and Challenges of RCEP
8.3 India and RCEP – Challenges for India
8.4 India’s stand at RCEP Negotiations
9. India – ASEAN FTA
9.1 India and ASEAN Services FTA
9.2 Importance of service trade liberalization under the India
10. Services under India’s FTAs – Why ilow returns
10.1 Trade in Services Agreement
11. India Singapore Economic relationship
12. India’s free trade engagements
J1. Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements
1. Taxation in a globalised economy
2. Relief against Double Taxation in India
3. Why DTAAs
4. Why DTAAs are bilateral
5. Classification of DTAAs
6. Advantages of DTAAs
7. DTAAs and taxation rights sharing
8. Model Conventions for DTAAs
9. Residential status and taxability in India
10. Tax treatment of global income in India
11. Residential status and taxability of an individual
12. Residential status and taxability of a company in India
13. What is a Permanent Establishment
14. POEM – Criteria for residential status of a company
15. Double Taxation Avoidance Treaties by India
16. Treaty versus domestic laws
17. Abuse of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements
17. 1. Transfer pricing manipulations
17.1.1. Transfer pricing Arms Length, APAs
17.2 Treaty shopping
17.3 Round Tripping
17.4 Misuse of DTAA in Tax havens
18. Important DTAAs- India Mauritius DTAA
18.1 Recent amendments to the DTAAs
19. India and Singapore DTAA amendment
20. India Cyprus DTAA
21. DTAAs black money and tax avoidance problems for India
22. Measure taken by the government to curb treaty shopping
22.1 The BEPS Project
22.2 Anti-BEPS steps by India
22.3. Automatic Exchange of Information
23. Taxability of Indirect transfer of an asset in India from one foreign company to the another one
24. Retrospective taxation issue – The issue of retrospective amendment to the Income Tax Act
25. Tax mitigation, planning
K1. Bilateral Investment Treaties
1. Investor Protection Agreements
2. Bilateral Investment Treaties
3. Bilateral Investment Treaties by India
4. Basic concepts about BITs
5. Features of India’s BITs
6. Recent issues related with global investment and India
7. The Model BIT 2015
8. Features of the new Model BIT
9. Status of the existing BITs and response from partner countries to Model BIT
10. Srikrishna Committee on International Commercial Arbitration on BITs
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February 11, 2018 at 12:28 am
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