Current Account Deficit

Current account deficit for India shows that the receipts earned by India from the exports of goods and invisibles (services) is lower than the payments made by India for the imports of these items during the reference year. India usually have a current account deficit.

Following table provides a typical current account deficit scenario for India. It is a typical one because the country has a sizable trade deficit and a significant invisible surplus usually. Figures are approximation for 2012-13 actuals.

  1. The Current Account

Trade Account In US $ billion

A Merchandise exports + 300

B Merchandise imports – 490

1. Trade balance (A+B) -190

Invisible Account

C invisible exports +175

D invisible imports -75

2. Invisible balance (C+D) +100

I. Current account balance (1+2) -90

The table shows that the country has a current account deficit of $ 90 billion.

(The figures in the table are approximation of the 2012-13 figures for India; Source: RBI)

December 3, 2017
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